Zegna Wool Trophy and V.A. Competition
All Superfine wool growers have been invited to compete in the new Zegna Competition this year. To enter, please complete your entry forms as soon as possible. November 17 is the cut off for all entries and delivery of wools for the V.A. Competition and the Wool Trophy. Judging commences the second week of December.
Please find a summary of how to enter below:
- Submit your entry forms and deliver wool by November 17.
- Once you have selected your lot (1-5 bales), send your wool to your agent as normal, informing them that you wish to enter a specific lot in the competition if you are sending other bales.
- Then tell your agent to core your line as normal and send grab sample to AWH Goulburn. (Marked attention of Mr Mark Hedley AWN Goulburn). Sample to be in Goulburn by the 17th of November 2017.
- When you have your test results, forward to Mr Tim Marwedel by email: tim@gsaust.com.au
- All grab samples will be transferred to Goulburn by AWTA.
- Once judging has been completed and the top 10 selected–the grab samples that did not make the top 10 will be returned to your nominated warehouse. Please ask your agent to indicate where your wool is being held when sending your grab sample.
- You only have to fill out one Questionnaire if entering both Competitions. If your wool is not available, please remember next year.
- The Zegna Vellus Aureum Fleece Competition will run the same as last year (1 to 10 fleeces under 14.5 micron), Please forward your fleeces as instructed to (Mr Mark Hedley c/o of AWN 51 Finlay Road Goulburn 2580 NSW). Closing date for entries 17/11/2017.
- Please either send a copy of number fleeces entered or wool trophy entry intentions to Melissa Mulley at melissa.mulley@woolindustries.org or ASWGA Fleece Chairman Mark Waters at mark.waters4@bigpond.com